This function cleans the annotated cells by: 1) removing the halo around the brain and ventricles, 2) filtering brain areas of interest, 3) removing damaged areas, and 4) re-imputing the damaged areas by mirroring the other hemisphere. clean_counts() saves two .RDS files in the path specified for each sample processed. The first file (*clean_counts.RDS) contains the xyz coordinates of cells that met the cleaning criteria, as well as their categorization to brain areas of interest by the user. The second file (*_removed_counts_summary.RDS) contains information about the removed counts during the procedure.

  dodgy_cells = NULL,
  out_mask = out_mask,
  vent_mask = vent_mask,
  warning_percentage = 0.2,



String used to save output. Please do not use spaces.


Dataframe with cell coordinates for one sample. Requires variables "xPos", "yPos" and "zPos" for x, y, z coordinates respectively; "id" for code of the brain areas according to the Allen Brain Atlas.


Dataframe with meta-data of Allen Brain Atlas areas. It can be generated by running the preparation script "atlas_tree.R". Requires variables: "id" for numerical value of ABA areas; "name" for character value; "acronym" for nomenclature; "parent_acronym" for the parent ABA it belongs to; "category" for categorization of brain areas difficult to interpret, see XX for details; "my_grouping" for your categorization of brain areas.


Dataframe with list of damaged brain areas of all samples. By using the function specify_damage(), relevant damaged areas will be automatically selected. Requires the following variables "area" with the acronym of the brain area that matches the "grouping" variable of the areas dataframe (see above); "hemisphere" which specify the hemisphere where the damage occurs ("right", "left").


Dataframe with information about cells with abnormally high intensity (likely to be unspecific binding, for example after checking scans). Three columns named "sample_id" (id of the sample), "my_grouping" (brain area), and "threshold" (threshold above which cells are considered "spots". Filters based on maximum intensity). This dataframe can be null.


Mask to identify outer part of brain to be removed due to halo. Ask Heike more info: Created in python by finding all 0 that border the brain (next to non-zero values) from there move 3 voxels in all directions (k). Create new matrix with non-zero values for 3 voxels around k.


Mask to identify outer part of the ventricles to be removed due to halo and unspecific binding of the antibody. Ask Heike more info


Number between 0 and 1. It defines a threshold after which a warning message is delivered. The warning message specifies if brain areas removed during the cleaning procedure had (abnormally) high cells. 0 will never return a warning, 1 will always.


String to specify path where cleaned annotated cells will be saved


String to specify path where summary of removed cells will be saved

