Simulate data for most active brain areas for one experiment. It can be performed for a completely random process, or by using baseline expression levels from the Allen Brain Atlas as well as increases due to the experimental manipulation. Returns a dataframe with the group ("group") and brain area ("my_grouping") of the brain areas simulated to be most active. The variable "batch" indicates the replicate, and the number of independent batches corresponds to the samples_per_group as specified by the user.

  samples_per_group = 1,
  n_exp = 1,
  weight_by_expression = TRUE,
  weight_by_group = TRUE,
  high_prob = 0.95,
  summary = FALSE



dataframe resulting from prepare_sim_weights(). dataframe in long format with one brain area "my_grouping" per group ("group") with the Allen Brain Atlas expression levels ("mean_expression" and "sd_expression") as well as group-dependent weight ("weight")


number of samples per group. If not specified, it's considered 1.


number of experiments to simulate. If not specified, it's considered 1.


can take values TRUE or FALSE. If not specified, it's considered TRUE. If FALSE, brain areas are sampled at random from a uniform distribution, and weight_by_group will be ignored. In this case, weight_df requires only the variables "group" and "my_grouping".


can take values TRUE or FALSE. If not specified, is considered TRUE.


number between 0 and 1 indication the threshold for being a highly active region. 0.95 corresponds to the top 5 per cent.


can be either TRUE or FALSE. If true, returns a list where the first element is the data, and the second element is a summary of how many samples per group per experiment select a certain brain area to be most active. If FALSE, only returns the data.



x <- data.frame( group = rep(c("control", "experimental"), each = 5), my_grouping = rep(c("CA1", "CA2", "CA3", "DG", "BLA"), 2), mean_expression = c(rnorm(5, 10, 2), rnorm(5, 13, 2)), sd_expression = abs(rnorm(10)), weight = c(rep(1, 5), rnorm(5, 3, 1)) ) sim_most_active(x, samples_per_group = 3, weight_by_expression = FALSE, summary = FALSE)
#> Error in weights_df %>% dplyr::filter(ww_probs >= top_quantile) %>% dplyr::select(group, my_grouping): could not find function "%>%"