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I am an interdisciplinary scientist interested in biology as a dynamic process. I am a strong supporter of theory-driven research, and I am passionate about the use of statistical and synthesis techniques to reduce animal experimentation. Currently, I use a combination of wet and dry lab techniques to investigate in rodents how stress in early life affects the connectivity between brain areas, ultimately leading to changes in behavior. To me, Science can only be Open.

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Research experience

Prior to my PhD, I have been involved in several research projects on the general topic of “stress”. I have gained experience in in vivo as well as in vitro applied research. Ultimately, I became more interested in analysis and modelling, and I further specialized in meta-research, bioinformatics and Bayesian statistics.

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Position Supervisor Affiliation Brief description When
PhD candidate Prof. dr. Joëls & Prof. Hoijtink UMC Utrecht Brain Center & Dept. Methodology & Statistics Utrecht University (NL) Combination of wet and dry lab techniques to give a global overview on the effects of stress on the brain Sep 2017 - present
Master Internship Prof. dr. Walker University of Edinburgh (UK) In vitro and in vivo experiments to investigate glucocorticoids’ delivery to tissues Feb 2017 - July 2017
Master Internship Dr. Sarabdjitsingh (lab Joëls) Brain Center Rudolf Magnus (NL) Stress receptors and HPA axis reactivity in rodent model Nov 2015 - Nov 2016
Bachelor thesis Dr. de Graaff Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis (NL) Music intervention to prevent emergence delirium in children after anaesthesia July 2014 - May 2015
Bachelor Internship Dr. van Campen (lab Joëls) Brain Center Rudolf Magnus (NL) Quantification with Neurolucida of neuronal spine density in a mouse model of epilepsy Aug 2013 - March 2014


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Degree University Additional activities Grade When
PhD candidate UMC Utrecht Brain Center & Dept. Methodology & Statistics Utrecht University (NL) PhD representative (2017-present), PhD council (2018-2019) Sep 2017 - present
Master Neuroscience and Cognition Utrecht University (NL) Chief student Journal Neuroscience & Cognition (2015-2016), selected member Excellence Programme U/Select, Master students’ representative (2015-2017) cum laude Sep 2015 - August 2017
Bachelor of Science (minor Psychology and Statistics) University College Utrecht (Liberal Arts and Sciences, NL) Chair committee MusicCo (2013-2015) cum laude Sep 2012 - July 2017
Diploma Piano performance Conservatorium Alessandria (IT) Also student at conservatorium Vicenza, musical institute ‘Puccini’ (Gallarate, IT), international academy ‘Cortot’ (IT), masterclasses at ‘Santa Cecilia’ (IT) and ‘Braine l’Alleaud’ (BE) 9.5/10 Sep 2006 - Feb 2016

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In depth courses
  • Teaching Neuroscience (UMC Brain Center, 2021)
  • Advanced Omics for Life Sciences (CS&D, Nov 2020)
  • Individual participant data meta-analyses (Julius Center, June 2020)
  • Differential equations (MOOC, 2020)
  • Neurobiology of stress and resilience (NSAS, August 2018)
  • Writing reproducible code (UU, Dec 2019)
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of preclinical animal studies (Radboud UMC, May 2019)
  • This thing called Science (Jan-Dec 2018)

Honors and Awards

As of June 2021, I have received 6 awards at conferences, 1 award at a PhD competition in Pharmachology and 2 scholarships for internships.

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Award Where When
Best oral presentation Translational Neuroscience Day (NL) 2019
Best oral presentation ONWAR PhD symposium (NL) 2019
Best poster Dutch Neuroscience Meeting (NL) 2018
2nd prize FIGON - PhD competition in pharmachology (NL) 2019
Travel grant S4 - Small Sample Size Solutions (NL, postponed) 2020
Travel grant ECNP - European College of Neuropsychopharmachology (FR, cancelled) 2020
Travel grant EBBS - European Brain Behaviour Society (CZ) 2019
scholarships For master internships (cumulative, 4500e) 2019


As of June 2021, I have presented posters at 10 (inter)national conferences, and I have been invited for oral presentations at 4 (inter)national conferences and at 7 other events.

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What Where When
Presentation conference invite O&O Symposium - Research Impact and Open Science (NL) 2021
Presentation conference invite Open Science Symposium Utrecht (NL) 2020
Presentation conference invite Dutch Neuroscience Meeting (NL) 2019
Presentation conference invite Open Science Symposium Utrecht (NL) 2020
Co-Seminar invite Dept. Developmental Origins of Disease (NL) 2021
Seminar invite Social Lab (NL) 2021
Seminar invite Laboratory Animal Workers Meeting (UMC, NL) 2021
Seminar invite SYRCLE (NL) 2021
Seminar invite Consortium Individual Development Spotlight (NL) 2020
Seminar invite Lucassen Lab (NL) 2019
Seminar invite Kemner Lab (NL) 2018
Poster Equator (DE) 2020
Poster Winter Stress conference (DE) 2019
Poster FENS Forum (DE) 2016-2018
Poster Dutch Neuroscience Meeting (NL) 2016-2018
Poster Science for Life (NL) 2017
Poster Translational Neuroscience Symposium (NL) 2016 - 2017
Poster Cardiovascular Symposium (UK) 2017
Masterclass With Prof. Dr. Baram 2019


During my PhD, I have supervised 6 (+3 co-supervision) students for internship/theses. I have given several lectures in Bachelor and Master Neuroscience and Ethics courses, developed biology course material, and supervised students during practicals (small-group teaching). Currently, I am working towards a teaching qualification for higher education (BKO, Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs).

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What Topic University Course When
Supervision Development stress-nl database Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL) Master Internship 7 months 2020
Supervision Heterogeneity in meta-analysis Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL) Master Thesis 2 months 2020
Supervision Early life adversity and immediate early genes Utrecht University (NL) Master Thesis 2 months 2020
Supervision GABA switch Utrecht University (NL) Master Thesis 2 months 2020
Supervision Development whole-brain temporal analysis Utrecht University (NL) Master Internship 9 months 2019
Supervision Early life adversity and GABA University College Utrecht (NL) Bachelor Thesis 5 months 2019
Supervision Sex-dependent behavior and early life adversity University College Utrecht (NL) Bachelor Thesis 5 months 2018
Co-supervision 3x Utrecht University (NL) Master Theses 2017-2019
Lecture The mouse brain after foot-shock Leiden University (NL) Master course Neuroscience 2021
Lecture Methods in stress research University College Utrecht (NL) Bachelor course Cognitive Neuroscience 2021
Lecture Methods in stress research University College Amsterdam (NL) Bachelor course Stress research 2019-2020
Lecture Integrity and Data analysis Utrecht University (NL) Master course Fundamentals of Neuroscience 2020
Lecture Methods in animal research University College Utrecht (NL) Bachelor course Cognitive Neuroscience 2019-2020
Lecture What is Science Utrecht University (NL) Master course Fundamentals of Neuroscience 2019
Lecture Meta-research Utrecht University (NL) Master course Fundamentals of Neuroscience 2018
Practical Layman communication Utrecht University (NL) Bachelor course Biology 2017-2020
Practical Microscopy Utrecht University (NL) Master course Fundamentals of Neuroscience 2017-2020
Practical Online Neuroscience Resources Utrecht University (NL) Master course Fundamentals of Neuroscience 2017-2020
Practical Microscopy Utrecht University (NL) Bachelor course Advanced Neuroscience 2019


As of June 2021, I have reviewed manuscripts for Hormones and Behavior, PlosOne, Scientific reports and Proceedings B.

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