

Playing classical music with the piano has been my first true love, and the first way in which I learnt how to explore my creativity. Music is not that different from Science. It requires skill, talent, rigor and perseverance, but also support and guidance. I graduated from the Conservatorium in 2016 (grade 9.5/10) under the supervision and mentorship of M. Roberto Plano.
Picture by EJ van Kesteren.

Yoga & Meditation

I practice meditation (Advaita philosophy) and Ashtanga yoga daily. As Science offers the possibility to discover the world ‘outside’, meditation is to me the discovery of the world ‘inside’.
Picture in the beautiful Italian Alps by Eelco Meerdink.

New hobbies

Drawing of my little niece, Gaia.

Gaia is a big inspiration for me. When she was born, I made her a lullaby - my first piece ever! To listen to it, click here. Big thanks to Dirk Jan Ardesh for recording with me.

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